We try our best to have a steady hand as we lift food in and out of the oven but somehow food always manages to spill or bubble over. That […]...
Declutter and Streamline the Kitchen
It’s time to declutter and streamline the kitchen. Why? The kitchen serves as a focal point in most homes and is used by everyone living in the home...
Kitchen: Get Prepared
We are going to deep clean the kitchen this month. We are going to make this much used-room-of-the-house efficient and organized! We’ll deep clean a...
Cleaning Habit #2: Clean Your Kitchen Every Night
I have a challenge for you this month: Clean your kitchen every night! How? Two ways… 1. It will save you TIME! If you’re in the habit of letting ...
Be Green as you Clean
If you’re concerned about climate change, resource depletion, and recycling, consider these environmentally-friendly tips for cleaning your home. Re...
Spring Clean the Kid’s Room Week Wrap-up
After a week-long kid’s room cleaning marathon, I hope your kiddos have a clean and organized bedroom. If you’ve fallen behind or preferre...
Rainbow Cleaning Kid’s Clothes
I want to encourage you to go through your children’s clothes today. First, get a box or basket for each child and put it in their room. As you ...
Clean and Organize Your Child’s Dresser
I don’t know how it is in your house, but getting kids dressed in the mornings is so much easier when their clothes are hanging up nicely in the...
Kid Rooms: Rainbow Bedding, Dust, and Rainbow
Are your kids’ bedrooms clean yet? If not, make sure to finish strong today! We’re finally going to get those surface areas clean. Set a t...
Weekly Prep…6 Spots You Can Clean at Home to Prevent Winter Sniff
Your co-workers have already started calling in sick. Your partner complains of a sore throat. You sneeze. Is that because you haven’t dusted th...