Weekly Prep…6 Spots You Can Clean at Home to Prevent Winter Sniff

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Your co-workers have already started calling in sick. Your partner complains of a sore throat. You sneeze. Is that because you haven’t dusted this week or because you’ve already contracted this season’s case of the cold?!

Don’t panic. When it feels like everyone around you is taking a sick-day, stay safe at home and clean these frequently-touched (and therefore germ-tastic) spots:

Fridge Handles

The average fridge handle is five times filthier than a toilet seat! It’s also a magnet for everything greasy that happens in your kitchen as you reach for ingredients while cooking or eating (which means cold germs are gonna end up there, too). Grab disinfectant spray and sterilize your fridge handles.

Remote Control

The Huffington Post reported that your TV remote is dirtier than your toilet. Use a Q-Tip dipped in alcohol to reach those weird spots in between the buttons.

Door Knobs & Cabinet Handles

Flu viruses can last up to 24 hours on hard surfaces. Although that may not seem like a lot, if someone in your house is sick, it’s likely that you’re both going to use the same restroom or open the cup cabinet. Use a Clorox bleach wipe to protect yourself.

Your Cell Phone

When was the last time you cleaned your finger-touching, face-smashing, friend-finding device? Especially if it’s sitting on the table in a communal sneezing and coughing zone, it’s time to disinfect. Use an electronics-friendly wipe that is alcohol and ammonia-free. Be sure to keep your phone off until it’s completely dry.

Edit: Thanks to smartphone users who pointed out rubbing alcohol can damage smartphones! We updated the post with a better solution.

Your Sponge

To kill any lingering virus germs in your sponge, you want to wash it with water that’s about 95 degrees or hotter. Unfortunately, most don’t have thermometers on our sinks, so switch your sponge or throw it in the dishwasher on high heat to be safe.

Light Switches

Avoid spraying a disinfectant directly on your light switch to protect the electrical outlet. Instead, apply the disinfecting spray to a rag or q-tip to clean the light-switch plate.

Now on to our daily task…

Write down everything that you need to accomplish this week. Then schedule those things (but make sure they’re the RIGHT things) on your calendar. That way you’ll know WHEN you will accomplish those things on your to-do list.

It will be 5-15 minutes well spent!

Your assignment for today:

• Continue working on Habit #1.

• Schedule your to-do list on your calendar.