Do you have stacks of paper in your home? Scraps of notes in your purse? Old receipts that need to be filed? Today, we are going to start the process ...
More for less, now on to our daily task…
Write down every single thing that you need to accomplish this week. Then schedule those things (but make sure they’re the RIGHT things) on your cal...
Declutter – Catch-up
It’s time for another catch-up Saturday! I hope you’re all feeling accomplished and happy with your progress. Decluttering takes a lot of ...
Declutter Kitchen Gadgets
Yesterday we took a good hard look at the small appliances in the kitchen, to see if we were truly using them all. Today, we’re going to do the ...
Declutter Small Appliances in your Kitchen
Do you have gadgets or small appliances in your kitchen that you NEVER use? You know, a toaster oven? Chopper? Bread maker? Blender? Your back-up mixe...
Declutter Decor
How much of the decor around your house is there…just because. Not because it’s meaningful. Not because it adds pizazz. Not because itR...
Declutter Your Junk Drawer
I think everyone needs ONE place to stash items quickly…you know, before a friend comes over or when you’re just too tired to find a ̶...
Declutter Those Magazines
I don’t know about you, but magazines are one of those luxuries that I always think I’ll make time to read, but rarely do. I’ll hold...
Declutter Cookbooks
Since we’ve decluttered bookshelves yesterday, We could move to an area we may have missed while reviewing our books. It is the cookbook section...
Declutter Your Books
As we embark on this journey to streamline your life, I’m going to suggest a few areas that we can declutter. The first one we are going to tack...