If you don’t have a closet in or right beside your bathroom, then today is your lucky day! You can spend your time tackle your problem area or c...
How to Declutter the Bathroom
To get started, I want you to focus on one specific task: Streamlining your stuff! Less stuff (that we don’t use) makes life so much easier! So,...
Deep Clean the Bathroom: Streamline/Clean Toilets
This week we are going to be focusing on deep cleaning the bathroom. If you have more than one bathroom, I’d recommend cleaning the bathroom you...
Clean Your Rainbow
WHY DO THIS? WHY CLEAN YOUR RAINBOW CLEANING SYSTEM A dirty Rainbow will create more work and expense for you because it doesn’t pick up and cle...
Rainbow and Dust the Bedroom
If you’ve been following along this week, your bedroom should be pretty neat and tidy right now. If not, don’t worry…Saturday is a c...
Weekly Prep!
On to our daily task… Write down every single thing that you need to accomplish this week. Then schedule those things (but make sure they’re t...
Clean and Organize Bedroom Nightstands
The fact that you created your own goal and made a public commitment should help you succeed. Keep up the good work! As for the next task, we’re...
Rainbow the Bed (and ceiling fan)
Rainbow the Bed (and ceiling fan) Is your bedroom more clean and organized than it was two days ago? I sure hope so! Let’s move today number 3. ...
Organize Your Bedroom Dresser
Have you made a dent in the cleanliness/organization of your bedroom? I sure hope so! Today we’re going to organize our bedroom dresser. It feel...
Declutter and Rainbow the Bedroom
It appears many of you have chosen the bedroom as your problem area. To help make progress more quickly, we’re going to Rainbow the bedroom this...