Declutter Tops & Shirts

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Do you have any shirts that you haven’t worn in a while? Maybe they don’t fit. Or they’re out of style. Or they’ve been shoved in the back of your closet so long you’ve forgotten about them.
Take a few minutes today to clear out the shirts and tops in your closet. I did this a few days ago and it’s made a world of difference in how clean my closet is. It’s a pretty painless way to purge and declutter.

In a closet organization, keep in mind that you are the curator of your own closet, you must learn how to edit! Think about it, if you don’t like the clothes in your closet or haven’t worn them in a while, why are you keeping it? Consign, donate, give away, or throw out the clothes that are taking too much space in your closet.

Your assignment for today:
• Continue working on Habit #3.
• Declutter tops & shirts you no longer need, want, fit, or love to wear.
• Keep working on your Rainbow calendar.