Disinfect Cutting Boards and Sharpen Knives

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When is the last time you cleaned and disinfected your cutting boards? What about sharpened knives? Have you ever? It’s time to disinfect cutting boards and sharpen knives. But don’t worry; it’s probably not as difficult as you think!
• Cluttering toolkit
• Knife Sharpener
• Disinfectant (see below)
Set a Timer
Remember: projects will extend into whatever amount of time you allow to complete them. Set a predetermined amount of time and start a timer.
You’ve seen the documentaries on television where the reporter, with a black light, reveals the germs and bacteria found in a kitchen, a hotel, a counter surface, etc.
Nonetheless, it is true…
Cutting boards are prime territory for breeding harmful bacteria, mold, etc. Today is the day to buckle down and attack these unwanted visitors by disinfecting our cutting boards. We will also sharpen our knives to make them more effective and in turn, use our time in the kitchen more efficiently.
5 Ways to Clean and Disinfect Cutting Boards:
Cut a lemon in half, give it a little squeeze and rub it in a circular motion across your cutting board. The lemon will sanitize your board and help it smell great.
After washing with soap and water, rub some salt on your cutting board to clean out the buildup found in the crevices. Better yet, rub the salt in with your lemon half!
Baking Soda and Vinegar
We all know baking soda can be used to clean just about anything, but did you know it can help clean your cutting board? Sprinkle baking soda on your board. Scrub it in. Then spray vinegar on it and watch the foaming action work its disinfecting magic.
Occasionally, a cutting board may need some heavy-duty disinfecting. That usually means it’s time for bleach. Just spray a little on, let it sit a few minutes, and wash away. I personally would wash several times after using bleach…
If you’re leery of bleach, peroxide may be a better option for you. Spray it on, let it sit and wash thoroughly.
NOTE: The above sanitizing options are best for plastic or glass cutting boards. You can certainly use some of the options for wood cutting boards; you just don’t want to soak them in water since they could warp.
How to Sharpen Kitchen Knives:
Once your cutting boards are clean, give some attention to your kitchen knives. Sharp knives make cooking so much easier!!!
First Sharpen
• Soak your stone in water.
• Run your knives down the stone at a 45-degree angle.
• Repeat on another side.
Then Hone
• Run your knife across the honing steel a couple of times on each side. If you have a block of knives, this is the round piece that’s usually included.
The easy way…
I’m all for easy, so I don’t usually take the time to use a stone or honing steel. I actually have a knife sharpener that is effortless to use. Ten “swipes” through side one and then three “swipes” through side two make my kitchen knives brand new. It’s not what the “professionals” use…but it works!
Once you sharpen your knives a time or two, it will be pretty simple. But just remember, if you’re used to a dull knife, be extra careful once it’s sharpened! I know this from experience!!!

Your assignment for today:
• Set your timer. Then disinfect cutting boards and sharpen knives!
• Continue working on Habit #2
• Consider adding this to your Rainbow calendar.