Switch Seasonal Clothing

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Have you already packed away your winter clothing? If not, take a few minutes, weather permitting, to begin organizing your winter clothes.

**Switch Seasonal Clothing**

Make it your mission today to start packing away winter clothes in your closet. Whether you need to move winter clothes to the back or break out storage bins, spend fifteen minutes tackling this project today. As you sort through each item, consider the following questions:

– Is it duplicate? Do I really need five black shirts?

– Does it fit properly? Is it too small, too big, too long, or too short?

– Do I have anything to pair with it? If not, how long have I had it? Will I ever buy a complementary piece?

– Do I even like it? Do I like it enough to wear it often?

– Do I feel great in it, or is it just okay?

– How many short-sleeved or long-sleeved shirts does my husband wear?

If you decide that a piece of clothing isn’t worth storing for six months, pack it in a box and drop it off at the nearest donation center as soon as possible!

**Your assignment for today: **

– Continue working on Habit #5.

– Pack up and switch seasonal clothing.

– Add this task to your Rainbow calendar and keep working on it.