Rainbow Rewards
Completing 6 shows = Choice of (1) item from Group 1 and (1) item from Group 2
Group 1 Gifts
Group 2 Gifts

Products available for redemption of Rainbow dollars earned!

3 in 7 Bonus Rewards

Submit first 3 submissions on website within 7 days & receive (1) item of your choice
Let's Make a List

Memory Joggers
Family? Anyone with asthma, allergies, sleeping problems or snoring? friends from work? always cleaning? small children or new parents? constantly sick kids? pets? smokers? college friends? church friends? Facebook friends?
The DO's
DO start with a list.
DO ask them just to LISTEN & LOOK. We’ll do the rest.
DO tell them that they receive the FREE gift just for watching.
DO explain that they are really helping you & that you will be there too!
Hey guys, I need a favor!
I just got a new home purifier, and I know you may not need one, but I do. If you let us show you the purifier, then I can get mine for free!
Seriously, you don’t have to buy anything. I get credit if you just take a look. We saw the same thing you will, and it was really cool! The people are great too. I’ll be there too, and we can catch up.
Just for helping me out, you’ll get a nice gift.
Time-wise; it really just depends on how many questions you may have. Certainly no more than a good movie.
Great! So, what day in the next couple of weeks can we come by and show you? All I need is a date and time that both you and your husband/wife will be there. I have a deadline, so sometime within the next 30 days would be great.
Thanks so much for your help and we will see you then! I’m counting on you and will call the night before to make sure we are good to go. Don’t forget to mention it to you your husband/wife and make sure s/he will be in for the night.
The DON'Ts
DON’T contact your friends via text, e-mail, or Facebook when scheduling. Call them!
DON’T try to sell your friends a Rainbow over the phone.
DON’T explain the program (in too much detail) or be a walking bulletin board for Rainbow! Do that when we get there!
DON’T call our system a vacuum or discuss prices or cost!
How to Book a Show

Sign Up on Software.Rainbow.net

Visit Software.Rainbow.net to access our online calendar.
You will need to get the “Sign-Up-Link” from your visiting representative.
Select an available date/time that works for your friends/family, and input the information. If you do not see an available date/time that works, you may also send an e-mail requesting an alternate date/time, and we will do our best to find a representative to assist you on that demo. Once you have a date/time, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the information below. You will receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours.
Referral Names (Both Parties, First & Last names)
Relationship (How do you know them? You must PERSONALLY know them!)
Date & Time of Presentation
Referral Address & Phone Number
We will contact you on the day of your presentation to confirm your appointment. REMEMBER: WE WILL NOT SHOW UP AT YOUR APPOINTMENT IF WE HAVE NOT SPOKEN WITH YOU THE DAY OF THE PRESENTATION!
Note-Booking requests must be submitted 24 hours in advance or it will be considered standby.