Rainbow Clean Windows – Part 2

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You gathered your supplies and Rainbow bugs, dirt, and cobwebs out of the window frames, yesterday.

Today we’re going to make those window frames sparkle like new!

When our windows are closed, the inside of the window frames are rarely noticeable; but when you raise up the window panes to let the fresh, spring air in, the last thing you want to see is dirt flying in. So, let’s get to work and clean those window frames!

Cleaning Window Frames – Part 2

Supplies needed:

  • Bucket full of water
  • 1 Microfiber cloth
  • Q-tips
  • Toothbrush


Fill your bucket with water and wet your microfiber cloth. Wipe as much as the dust and debris from inside the window frame as possible. Focus on the bottom but don’t forget the sides and top; you might be surprised about how dirty it is! Then, to get the frames sparkling, use an old toothbrush and Q-tip to wipe around the edges and all the groves. Rinse the microfiber cloth and give the frame a final wipe down.

Step back, sit down if you want, and enjoy the cool breeze while the window is up!

Then move on to the next window and repeat.

We’ll be tackling the glass tomorrow so get ready!

Your assignment for today:

  • Continue working on Habit #4.
  • Deep clean your window frames.
  • Keep working on your Rainbow calendar.