Rainbow Clean Windows – Part 1

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Now I must  honest and tell you that this is the task I’ve been dreading the most. Washing windows can actually be pretty easy, but washing window frames can sometimes be a challenge.

I’ve also been researching high and low to find the absolute easiest way to clean windows. I think I found it!

Gathering the right Window Washing Supplies

Unless you live in one room, cleaning windows will more than likely take longer than fifteen minutes. Since I like to keep things short and sweet around here, I’m going to do my best to break this window cleaning gig into small chunks.

However, feel free to adjust as necessary. If you need to clean a room full of windows each day, feel free. If you want to follow along with me this week, great. If you’d rather tackle them all this weekend, perfect! Just make it work for you!

The first thing you need to do to make window cleaning as easy as possible is to get the right supplies.

I didn’t have everything I needed to clean windows here at the house, so there’s a chance some of you may need to find a few supplies as well. Here’s what you’ll need:

Supplies needed to clean windows:

  • Bucket
  • Window cleaning soap
  • 2 Microfiber cloths(One will be for washing and the other for drying.)
  • Window Squeegee (After searching several places, Vacuum with a hose attachment
  • Q-tips
  • Toothbrush
  • Rainbow

That’s it. Do you think you can handle it? I sure hope so!

Gather up the supplies and move to the next step…

Spring Clean Window Frames

Since many window frames are exposed to the elements, blocked only by a screen, they can get pretty clogged up with dirt and debris. Since I’m not one for touching all that grossness, I like to Rainbow out as much as possible with a hose attachment and crevice tool.

Open each window and Rainbow out as much dirt, cobwebs, bugs, etc. as you can from the window frame.  We’ll deep clean the window frame tomorrow so it looks brand new.

Of course, I realize that breaking this step into two parts will cause you to open and close each window twice. If you’d rather Rainbow and then scrub half of your windows today and half tomorrow, go for it!

If you have extra time today but want to stick to just using the Rainbow, you can pull double duty and use the hose attachment to Rainbow the floor corners and moldings too.

Your assignment for today:

  • Continue working on Habit #4.
  • Clean your window frames.
  • Keep working on your Rainbow calendar.