Clean Your Outdoor Garbage Can

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A new week. A new day. A new outdoor project!

Today’s task is a stinky one. But at least we don’t have to get our hands dirty. Every time I mention this little trick, people love it. So…I thought I’d share it again while we’re working on all of these fun outdoor projects.


Clean your outdoor garbage can

Those super large outdoor trash cans can be a bit tricky to clean. Thankfully there is a an easy way:

    1. Place your trash can in an area of the yard/street/driveway that it can get wet.
    2. Squirt a bit of dish soap in it.
    3. Use a sprayer attached to a hose and spray that trash can down!
    4. Empty the water.
    5. Rinse.
    6. Repeat if necessary.

It will suds up heavily, but the heavy sprayer will almost always work to remove the grime on the sides and bottom. Only in extreme cases will you need to get a scrub brush to physically clean the garbage can.

So, you can get a sparkling clean, almost new garbage can while barely touching the trash can itself. That’s my kind of cleaning!!

I know this task isn’t the most fun…but it’ll be worth it.

Your assignment for today:

    • Continue working on Habit #6
    • Clean your outdoor garbage can.
    • Add this task to your Rainbow calendar.