Clean Out Your Purse

Today, my wife is going to clean out her purse. This might seem like an unusual task, but with Mother’s Day just around the corner, we’re dedicating a few days to pampering her and taking care of some spring cleaning. It will be worth it!


Here are some steps to clean out those purses:


1. Go through all of your purses and remove unnecessary items.

2. Dump out any crumbs.

3. Spot-clean each purse by spraying a gentle all-purpose cleaner (like a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar) onto a rag and using it to wipe the interior. If you have an inexpensive cloth purse, you might be able to wash it on the gentle cycle in the washing machine, but be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions first!

4. Get rid of any purses you don’t need or like. The goal is to consistently declutter.

5. Replace your belongings in the purse you’ll be using today and organize the rest in one location.


And there you have it!


Your assignment for today:

– Continue working on Habit #5

– Clean out your purse

– Add this task to your Rainbow calendar and keep working on it.