How often do you wash your bed sheets? Unless you’re on a strict schedule, you may not wash them nearly enough. It’s easy to let a few wee...
Declutter Your Bedroom
If you do a little bit of work each day, you’ll be amazed at the outcome this weekend! Just remember, perfection isn’t what we’re af...
Weekly Prep
Write down every single thing that you need to accomplish this week. Then schedule those things (but make sure they’re the RIGHT things) on you...
Catch Up
We’ve spent quite a bit of time outdoors this week. I hope it’s been as beautiful in your town as it’s been in mine! If you got behi...
Patio Furniture
Who’s ready to finish prepping the outside for a little 4th of July gathering!! Since we need something clean to sit on during all the festiviti...
Pressure Wash Driveway
Before it gets too hot outside, let’s tackle cleanup of the deck, driveway, and/or sidewalks. If you have a pressure sprayer, today is a great d...
Check External House
Check siding, roof, and gutters Clean the patio or deck Clean the garage door Quit procrastinating – Repair Work Clean the Front Door Walk the Perim...
Clean Your Outdoor Garbage Can
A new week. A new day. A new outdoor project! Today’s task is a stinky one. But at least we don’t have to get our hands dirty. Every time...
Habit #6 Wash One Load of Laundry Each Day
We’ve covered quite a few habits this year. I hope the habits are built on one another and you can tell the difference in how you clean your hom...
Clean your outdoor garbage can
Today’s task may not be the most pleasant, but at least we won’t have to get our hands dirty! Every time I share this handy trick, people seem...