Can you eat off your bathroom floors yet? If not, have no fear…we’re having a catch-up day today. If you didn’t have time to finish all...
Finishing Touches When Cleaning the Bathroom
You’ve been working hard on your bathrooms this week so I hope you can tell a BIG difference in the look and feel of them. Today, it’s tim...
Deep Clean the Shower
We’re almost finished with our big deep clean-the-bathroom week!!! The bathroom is one of those places I love to have clean…but I don’t ...
Deep Clean the Bathroom Floor
When it comes to cleaning the bathroom floor, I probably don’t clean it as often as I should. Since it looks clean, I just assume it is. Plus,...
How to deep clean the toilet…even when you don’t want to!
How to Clean the Bathroom Toilet To deep clean your toilet inside and out, you first want to grab all of your supplies. Toilet brush Toilet cleaner Pu...
Streamline the Bathroom
This week, we are going to be focusing on deep cleaning the bathroom. If you have more than one bathroom, I’d recommend cleaning the bathroom y...
Deep Clean the Bedroom Catch Up
Is your bedroom looking good? If you didn’t have time to finish all the tasks (or you just prefer to work on the weekends), here a quick recap o...
Rainbow the bedroom: Sparkle and Shine
Your bedroom is looking good about now. If you’ve been cleaning along with us this week, then it time to work on those finishing touches. If you...
Dust and Rainbow Your Bedroom
If you’ve been following along this week, your bedroom should be pretty neat and tidy right now. If you’re ready to move to the next step,...
Declutter and Clean Your Bedroom Nightstands
We’re halfway through our week of deep cleaning the bedroom! Today, we’re going to tackle those bedroom nightstand(s). Cleaning the bedroo...