Book & Ride | Earn $3,000

Book and join us on 12 qualified* shows with your close friends and family within 180 days of your purchase.
Complete the first 6 shows within 45 days of your purchase.
Have 2 or more 1st line sales**
If all three criteria are met, you will receive a promotional check for your Book & Ride earnings in the amount above.
If you complete the 12 qualified shows and have at least two 1st line sales but your first 6 shows are not completed within 45 days of your purchase, your Book & Ride earnings will be reduced to $1,500.
TO REGISTER FOR YOUR PROGRAM - Ask your Representative to send give you a QR code, link or give us your email address & we will sign you up
Register online at – Please use your login name (normally your email) during the registration process.
Please see the Qualifications & Guidelines pages to get full details of what constitutes a qualified* show & qualified sale**.
Program Basics

*1st line credit is approval rating A,B,C, D, or E from our Preferred Finance Company
Please Note:
Promotional checks earned on Rainbows that were financed will be remitted directly to the finance company to be applied directly to your account.
Qualifications & Guidelines

Customer must complete 12 qualified shows* within 180 days from the date of sale, with at least 2 of the shows resulting in a “1st line sale,” and complete 6 of the 12 shows within 45 days from the date of sale to receive the bonus of $3,000 after the completion of the 12th qualified show. A 1st line sale is defined as a full-price Rainbow purchase (current model) that has been approved by the finance company with an A, B, C, D, or E approval rating or paid for by cash, check, or credit card. A sale must be considered “1st line” to qualify for promotions of any kind. If any sale is financed as a 2nd line approval, no promotions of any kind will be paid. A 2nd line sale is defined as a full-price Rainbow purchase (current model) that has been approved by the finance company with an approval rating of E through Z. Customers that do not complete the first 6 shows within 45 days will have their promotional earnings reduced to $1,500. Customers that have financed their Rainbow will have funds forwarded to the finance company on their behalf to be applied to their account balance. All cash, check or credit card customers will receive a check. All payouts will be considered Promotional Giveaways and treated as such.
All promotions will be paid once Rainbow has been paid by the finance company and the finance company has received the first payment by the customer. Allow up to 8 weeks to process promotional checks. Promotion checks are only earned on 1st line sales and only when the date of the show and date of sale match.
If a customer fails to follow the guidelines of the program or Rainbow determines that they are being uncooperative, that customer will be ineligible to continue and will forfeit any and all commissions earned. Governing law that as a material condition of this agreement, the parties agree that should any dispute arise between them from this agreement that they will not engage in litigation but will instead submit any such dispute to arbitration, taking place in Butler, PA, pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association and PA Arbitration Act.
I understand that the “Book & Ride” program and the gift program are transactions separate and apart from the purchase of my Rainbow cleaning system and have no bearing on the validity of any “retail installment agreement” or other contract signed in the connection therewith. I fully understand that I am obligated to pay my monthly payments whether or not I earn the separate items offered by the special. I must honor the terms of my “retail installment agreement,” if I choose to do the Book & Ride Program, I understand the promotions earned will be forwarded to the finance company on my behalf.
I am responsible for ALL sales taxes and interest (government taxes, sales tax, gift tax, or any interest accrued.) If at any time this program is changed, I am not eligible to switch programs. If a gift offered is no longer available, it may be replaced with one of equal value. I understand that the “gift” program consists of extra accessories that may only be obtained through separate purchase or by completing the required shows. These attachments include but are not limited to Aquamate, Rainjet, Minijet, Rainbowmate, any fragrances/disinfectants, and/or supplies sold separately.
This agreement superseded any/all other agreements and constitutes the entire and only agreement between parties. Other than your original purchase of the Rainbow, which is your responsibility to pay.
By signing below, I am stating that I have read and fully understand all the information contained in this agreement and I have waived any and all rights to claim otherwise… at any point and time… ever!