Dust and Rainbow Your Bedroom

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If you’ve been following along this week, your bedroom should be pretty neat and tidy right now.

If you’re ready to move to the next step, grab your Rainbow and set your timer.

Let the Rainbowing begin:

When you Rainbow…

  • Pay attention to the corners. Use the attachment hose around the baseboards and edges of the carpet. Don’t worry too much about deep cleaning the baseboards since we’ll be focusing on those in a few weeks.
  • With your upholstery attachment for your Rainbow, gently run it across drapes and curtains to remove accumulated dust.
  • Move furniture as you Rainbow the open floor. Don’t forget to Rainbow under chairs, under your bed, and behind furniture.
  • Rainbow the ceiling. Okay, I know that sounds weird! But if you have your attachment hose out anyway, run it quickly around the corners of your ceiling and around light fixtures to remove dust or cobwebs that may have found a home up high.
  • Rainbow window frames. While I have my Rainbow out, I like to cover all the bases! So, give it a whirl around your windows. If it’s not too cold, open the windows for a second and Rainbow inside the track. It will make cleaning windows a little easier when we get to them!

Your assignment for today:

  • Continue working on Habit #6.
  • Vacuum your bedroom.
  • Add this task to your Rainbow calendar.