Catch Up

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We’ve spent quite a bit of time outdoors this week. I hope it’s been as beautiful in your town as it’s been in mine!

If you got behind this week on your daily tasks (or you just like to tackle everything in one day), then you’re in luck! Today is a catch-up day.

Here’s what we covered:

  • Stack your habits – this day, as usual,  will help you be more productive!
  • Habit #6 – Try washing one load of laundry every single day.
  • Clean the outdoor trash can – on this day, we tackled the outdoor trash can and made it through the smell.
  • Check the outdoor house items – today we want to make sure there aren’t leaks in the roof. Or tears in the siding. Or clogs in the gutters.
  • Pressure wash the deck – this day, we pressure washed the deck and tackled cleanup of the deck, driveway, and/or sidewalks.
  • Clean the patio furniture – on the last day, we took on the patio furniture.

Have fun outside! For some, this may be hard work, but believe me, after all this, it is all worth it!

Your assignment for today:

  • Continue working on Habit #6
  • Do some catch-up for the week.
  • Keep working on your Rainbow calendar. Keep it up!