Habit #6 Wash One Load of Laundry Each Day

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We’ve covered quite a few habits this year. I hope the habits are built on one another and you can tell the difference in how you clean your home!

If you’ve just started, don’t worry about going back to the beginning; just start with our new cleaning habit! Here’s a reminder if you want to read up on past habits:

Cleaning Habit #1: Tackle your problem area.

Cleaning Habit #2: Clean your kitchen every night,

Cleaning Habit #3: Let it go and streamline your life,

Cleaning Habit #4: 5-minute pick up,

Cleaning Habit #5: Put things back where they belong

Now that we’re starting a new month, it’s time to start a new habit!

Cleaning Habit #6: Wash One Load of Laundry Each Day

There are some benefits to the one-load-a-day routine.

  1. You don’t waste an entire day washing, drying, and folding laundry.
  2. The pile doesn’t get so high you hyperventilate at the thought of laundry day.
  3. There is satisfaction in crossing at least one house cleaning task off the list each day.

For those of you who already wash one load a day, just keep on keeping on

Your assignment for today:

Continue working on Habit #1, Habit #2, Habit #3, Habit #4 & Habit #5.

Start working on Habit #6

Wash one load of laundry.

Keep working on your Rainbow calendar.