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Declutter and Streamline the Kitchen

It’s time to declutter and streamline the kitchen.


The kitchen serves as a focal point in most homes and is used by everyone living in the home – plus guests. Deep cleaning the kitchen is a big project. But like most big projects in life, we can handle them most effectively if we concentrate on the individual, “bite-sized” portions.

So, that’s what we’re going to focus on today.


To streamline efficiently and effectively, you’ll want to pull out your decluttering toolkit

However, if this is your first room to declutter, then go to Roz’s Reasons to get your decluttering toolkit details. It will save you loads of time and effort when it comes to decluttering.


Parkinson’s law is the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

Tell yourself that you have all day to declutter the kitchen and guess what? It will take all day! But if you give yourself a finite amount of time to clean, you will work faster and make decisions more quickly.

Just set a timer and get to work!

You may not be the greatest at decluttering. It’s okay, most people aren’t. But you will become an expert in simplifying your possessions through time.

This is the first thing to remember when decluttering:

“Any item that doesn’t add value to your life is clutter.”

The real magic starts to happen when you simplify your stuff. When you streamline the number of tools/supplies in your kitchen so it only contains what you use on a regular basis, it will be easier to cook healthy meals. The kitchen will also be easier to keep clean and organized.

That’s a win-win!

To quickly and efficiently declutter and streamline the kitchen, start with surface areas.

Look at each item on the counter and/or table and ask yourself the following questions:

 “Does this item belong in the kitchen?”

 “Do I use this item daily or weekly?”

 “Is there something else I can use instead?”

If you answered “no” to any of those questions, then choose which box from your decluttering toolbox the item belongs in.

Decide quickly so you can move to the next item.

After you’ve tackled surface areas, open one drawer or cabinet at a time and ask yourself the same questions about each item.

Don’t feel like you have to spend much time decluttering the drawers and cabinets. This is just the starting point. You can do a thorough decluttering process as you go along.

Most importantly, be honest with yourself!

With the exception of a few strategic decor pieces, if it doesn’t help you cook, eat, or clean, it’s probably hindering your ability to fully use your kitchen.

 Do you have a stack of papers that should be in the in-box on your desk?

 Do your kids have toys in the kitchen that should be in their room?

 Do you have bags on the floor?

 Do you have odds and ends on your refrigerator?

 Do you have a junk drawer full of stuff that belongs somewhere else?

 Do you have never-used appliances (i.e. toaster, coffee maker, bread machine, etc.) that can be put in a cabinet? Perhaps even sold or donated?

 Do you have a rarely used TV or radio on your kitchen counter? What about an abundance of knick-knacks? Clearing your counters of clutter will give you more space to enjoy your kitchen and use what you have.

Kitchens can often become a dumping ground for items that belong elsewhere. It happens to the best of us!

If you look around and see only essential kitchen items, then congratulations! You get the day off! But if you happen to see something that doesn’t belong in the kitchen, move it! Take the item to its appropriate home.

Remember to use the “maybe” box if you have a hard time letting go of a few items. You can always put them back in the cabinet. But after you see your clean and organized kitchen, you’ll realize it’s not worthwhile to return these items to your clutter-free kitchen.

The purpose of this exercise isn’t to be wasteful. The purpose is to give you the clean, organized, and simplified kitchen you’ve always wanted.

Your assignment for today:

 Set your timer. Then declutter and streamline the kitchen. Don’t quit until your timer goes off!

 Continue working on Habit #2.

 Add this to your Rainbow calendar.